Lobo Week 2021: Meet Our New Mexican Gray Wolfpack

March 28 - April 3, 2021, is Lobo Week! It's a week when zoos, wildlife organizations, individuals like you, and many others come together with a common goal: to raise awareness for the Mexican gray wolf!

posted 3/28/2021 9:42:09 PM

Meet Pascal, Our North American River Otter Pup

Brookfield Zoo is home to over 2,300 animals but none of them are getting more attention these days than Pascal, our three-month-old North American river otter pup. Born on January 20, Pascal is being hand-reared by animal care staff.

posted 3/23/2021 3:41:23 PM

Complex Environmental Enrichment for Dolphins

Environmental enrichment is a key component in improving the psychological and physiological welfare of animals under professional care. When you visit Brookfield Zoo, you may notice a variety of enrichment items in the animal’s habitats. Enrichment is one way that the animal care staff can promote activity and species-specific behaviors.

posted 3/23/2021 1:41:53 PM

Don't Miss the 'All Together for Animals' Virtual Benefit Concert

COVID-19 has had a dire impact on Brookfield Zoo. Due to the pandemic, we have lost nearly a year of revenue. But we still need to feed, care, and provide medical attention for our precious animals – every single day. Until we can re-open to 100% capacity, we will struggle financially. So, we are reaching out to our members, guests, and friends for support with an exciting offer.

posted 3/19/2021 2:19:36 PM

CZS & Brookfield Zoo

Since the opening of Brookfield Zoo in 1934, the Chicago Zoological Society has had an international reputation for taking a cutting-edge role in animal care and conservation of the natural world. Learn more about the animals, people, and research that make up CZS here at our blog.

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