Clouded Leopard

Neofelis nebulosa

Body Length:2.5–3 feet
Tail Length:2–3 feet
Height:1.5–2.5 feet
Weight:22–45 pounds
Geographic Distribution:Himalayan foothills through mainland southeast Asia into China; patchy distribution due to deforestation
Habitat:Most strongly associated with primary tropical forest; also found in grassland, scrub, and mangrove swamps.
Wild Diet:Deer, monkeys, small animals, porcupines, young buffalo, birds, wild boars, and pangolins
Zoo Diet:Meat, mice, and feline chow
Status in the Wild:Vulnerable
Location:Clouded Leopard Rain Forest

Clouded leopards are sexually dimorphic (with two distinct gender forms): the males are larger than the females. Clouded leopards are yellow-reddish-brown to yellow gray in color. Their fur has broad, dark brown or black bands that form nearly square or nearly circular shapes. They are named for these cloud-like patterns, which provide excellent camouflage. They also have broad black bands on their face. Clouded leopards' ears are black with a buff spot on the outside and white on the inside. Approximately six bands run across the nape of their neck. Their fur is short and coarse, their tail is very long, and their legs are relatively short. In relation to their body size, their upper canine teeth are longer than those of any other cat species and the largest upper canine relative to skull size of any carnivore. Also, they have a huge jaw gape (about 100 degrees) compared to 65 degrees for lions. In 2006, DNA studies identified the Sunda clouded leopard, Neofelis diard, which is native to Sumatra and Borneo, as a separate species from N. nebulosa.