Prevost's Squirrel

Callosciurus prevostii

Body Length:9.4"–10.1"
Tail Length:8"–9.5"
Weight:Up to 1.1 lbs
Geographic Distribution:Southern Thailand, Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo, and many smaller islands in southeast Asia; has been introduced into Sulawesi
Habitat:Dense rainforests; is tolerant of secondary forests
Wild Diet:Seeds, nuts, sweet or oily-fleshed fruits, flowers, birds' eggs, and insects such as ants, termites, and beetle larvae
Zoo Diet:Chopped fruit, commercial monkey chow and "Omni" biscuits, leafy greens, starchy mix and grains, nuts, and insects
Status in the Wild:Least Concern
Location:Clouded Leopard Rain Forest

The fur of Prevost's squirrels contains three different colors: the head, back, tail, and sides black, while the underside of their body is reddish brown; between these is a streak of white. There are slight differences between subspecies in the extent of the red and white fur on their limbs, but the general appearance of all subspecies is similar. Their bushy tail enables them to maintain balance while in trees.