Amur Tiger

Panthera tigris altaica

Body Length:4'6"–9'
Tail Length:24"–36"
Weight:Males: 320–675 lbs; Females: 220–370 lbs
Geographic Distribution:Northeast China, eastern Russia, southeastern Siberia, and Manchuria
Habitat:Snow-covered deciduous, coniferous, and scrub mountain forests
Wild Diet:Red deer, wild boar, and Sitka deer are the largest portion of their diet; they may also take smaller mammals and birds and domestic goats or sheep
Zoo Diet:A commercial horse meat product, "Nebraska Premium Canine," mixed with ground pork; shank bones and whole prey; plus liver and chunk meat for training and treats
Status in the Wild:Endangered
Location:Big Cats

Amur tigers are sexually dimorphic (with two distinct gender forms). Males are larger than females. Their body is covered with narrow, vertical black, gray, or brown stripes, and they are the only large cats that have a striped coat. The long, thick fur on their neck and back is yellowish in the winter and reddish in the summer. However, a white coloration extends from their belly onto their sides, while their tail is also white and black.